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Friday, 5 August 2016

A Letter

I will write you a letter
Put it in a bottle
Throw it in the sea
And hope it finds you.

It will have words that redefine distance
The stance I have, hope it shortens space
A description of a beat that originates from deep,
Deep from a broken heart.
The flow of thoughts that miss,
Even in happy days.
The lack of strength to hold on
But with the will to move on
Where realities are not meet in darkness,
They meet in light that has faith.

I will write you a letter
Put it in a bottle
Throw it in the sea
And hope it finds you.

It will be my testimony that my feelings are real.
The patience my mind has
To every little thing that moves
I will write without speed so my tears can live
They will not be grounded
They will form spots that will be traced
Time will not matter as the wait was not meant
The meaning will be to you
The reaction will be to the bottle
I will write with passion that shows me
Every syllable will be me
Every line and every phrase.

I will write you a letter
Put it in a bottle
Throw it in the sea
And hope it finds you.

I tried everything to shine by your side
The distance became a definition
All avenues were meet and the kick was not expected.
I will look at my time, time and again
Again and again
My heart will be heavy
My soul will be shifted
Nights will not see the light of day
My days will never look forward to any darkness
My mind speaks through those words
I will not move, I will watch the bottle float
While it floats into space
I have already been feeling that with you
The space that distanced itself from the warmth

I will write you a letter
Put it in a bottle
Throw it in the sea
And hope it finds you.

My pores will drip with anticipation
My life will rotate with a pause
I hope it finds you and hope it’s not too late
My sanity does not depend on it
But it thrives to see pleasure
Whether in words or in physics
I would have spoken, seen through it all
Gotten a beat down as well
I will always stand even though not straight
In my letter it will all make sense
It will always make sense to you

I will write you a letter
Put it in a bottle
Throw it in the sea
And hope it finds you.

I will write you a letter,
Put it in a bottle,
Throw it in the sea
And hope it finds you.