Lived in the streets,
fell off the streets,
got beat up by the streets,
the streets got me back up,
hustled the streets,
jumped over streets,
ran up all the streets,
know my streets,
believe in my streets,
I'm a kid at heart,
learned to be smart in the streets,
every corner,
every container,
every car wash,
the streets made me,
the streets provided,
every gravel road,
dusty soccer fields,
communal street lights #Apollo
Tuck shop sensation,
fat cake kings,
Student pie #Kota,
the streets made me,
the streets had me,
these streets know me,
I have pains written on these streets,
scars that will not heal,
faces that will not perish,
having friends created on these streets,
if you cannot relate,
you need to find a street...
Kasi_Kid all day, everyday.
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