that's all we do
we jump
we never see the bottom
and never know what awaits us
but we always jump
we have hope and faith
we know the ground is far
and yet again, we jump
that's all we know
that's all we need to know
life is never certain
days are never promised
what we do, is what we believe in
no matter how hard
no matter how painful
we jump
we jump high
we jump low
we have no idea what tomorrow holds
but today all we do is jump
we jump in love
and jump into the unknown
but we are the masters at this
no one ever said it would be easy
no one ever said don't ever jump
we are beings of that nature
we jump to figure out
we jump to learn
we jump for change
even if we land in sadness
we will jump again
we do not let enigmas dictate us
but instead we run faster
so that our jump is higher
we jump
that's all we do
we land in the most awkward situations
the painful of them all
the most piercing
with deeper cuts
because we decided to jump
we jump that's all we do
hope and faith always pulls us through
we are testing species
the try out and fail
the hit the wall hard
the burn in it
and brake it down
type of human beings
the way down is refreshing
pumped up lungs
shaking feet
blown away
loving the risk
that's all we do
we jump...