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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Diaries of an introvert

These words never go public,
This air never fills in my presence.
I could write on walls and not be ashamed.
The world becomes too much to bare sometimes.

The "Me time" is always salvation.
I never knew that these four walls could engulf me this much,
These floors could have so much power.
I'm not angry at the world,
My sanity is not distinguished by the next person.

"Me" is all that keeps me going.
I walk amongst all and even partake,
But it is on this paper that my ink defines me.
I run at a slow pace as to not give myself away.
The craving of my own space always feeds me.

My life could be a one page novel,
Noone could ever read it entirely.
I know there's more words than the naked eye could see.
Right there when my own thoughts echo without distraction,
When my plans come to life,
I sit still in silence and let it all consume me.

This is "Me",
This is my space,
My territory,
Where I could just be "Me" without any explanation to anyone.
Words always flow non stop because I am with "Me".

I connect with myself on a level that cannot be described.
This is not a survival tactic,
When it comes to this place I never intentionally bar people.

This place redefines me.
The only place where "Me" can go against "Me".
The thought of it all overwhelms me.
It feels like an addiction.

My heart knows at this point,
At this place,
Floating in my own space,
There is no boundaries.

Tears can flow without notice.
Body temperature can change against the forecast.
I am "Me" even when the world sees different.

Right here, I feel myself.
Right here, I love myself.
Right here, I am protected by these walls.
Right here, the floor is my cushion.
Right here, this air keeps me going.
Right here, these words are "Me".

Noted: It becomes a need at times.

Monday, 22 May 2017

"This Cave Took Me"!!!

This is written with a heavy heart.
Every soul that echoes in the mist of darkness.

No light came to save,
No heartbeat survived.
The cave that consumed it and them all.

The hollow and horror that came with it.
The eyes that stood there dripping with pleasure.
Giving in came as a cloud that had no chance of any light.

That smile that would never be seen,
Humanity that will never see a day again.
Loud quests as to "WHY"?

Did my walk accept an invitation to your cave?
Did my smile give me away?
The day we forgot came in fast,
High speed of ones life to a cave that has no return.

That day was when trash was formed.
That day was when voices were loud.
That day most eyes saw.
That day became to heavy to bare.

Know and see that the cave is a thread on your Time Line.
Engulfing the purest even,
Those heartbeats that stopped.
Those eyes that only saw darkness to the end.
Red from the never ending flow of tears.

That blood that poured out not by choice.
To the soul that never said good bye.
From a soul that smiles deep in pleasure and thirst.

"This Cave Took Me"
Written on walls with pain and blood
"This Cave Took Me"
There is no tomorrow to look forward to.
Not even a today that had long hours.
It came too fast but lasted too short.
This heavy heart dragged these words out,
But the results came too...

Thursday, 18 May 2017

This is it!

There's too much pain in my thoughts.
Too much weight in my actions.
Sadly the efforts redirects to dackness.
Light becomes a myth not to question.

My eyes bleed.
There's no point when the morning is equivalent to midnight.
No sunshine, no breeze, no fresh air.

No words can save me,
No motion could move me,
Rigid in pain that needs healing.
The power is not set in me but around me.

Go ahead, envy what you don't know.
Let all my secrets engulf me,
There's no salvation in sight.
The pain deepens with every breath I take.

My soul shakes with every wish I have.
My faith trapped but not shaken.
The light is not near,
The distance mutilated what my feet can bear.

The cover on my face is blank,
Not dark.
All my hopes sit flat on the banks of a wishing river.
It will not change, nor will it matter when my mind gives in.
It has been a while but the taste still sickens me to my core.

The plan is set, the idea is there,
But time is in question or is it timing?
The rest of it will always ache.
I will bare it all.

I never knew pain to be so calm.
All comfortable to a point that change dismantles the very brain keeping it in.
I can feel it.
My neck shifts in spasms trying to keep it sane.

Will the light make it here?
Will this darkness leave?
Will the power within me show,
Or will I just have to deal with it?

I ask where, how and why?
Is my existence pleasure to this pain?
Does this pain know that I can feel it?
Does this darkness know that I'm not going anywhere?

Give light a chance to shine.
Give me a chance to smile.
It is in me and not on me to show.
I cannot pretend when my insides are shredded to the bit of what I long for.

Yes this pain is painful.
This is the time!