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Monday, 22 May 2017

"This Cave Took Me"!!!

This is written with a heavy heart.
Every soul that echoes in the mist of darkness.

No light came to save,
No heartbeat survived.
The cave that consumed it and them all.

The hollow and horror that came with it.
The eyes that stood there dripping with pleasure.
Giving in came as a cloud that had no chance of any light.

That smile that would never be seen,
Humanity that will never see a day again.
Loud quests as to "WHY"?

Did my walk accept an invitation to your cave?
Did my smile give me away?
The day we forgot came in fast,
High speed of ones life to a cave that has no return.

That day was when trash was formed.
That day was when voices were loud.
That day most eyes saw.
That day became to heavy to bare.

Know and see that the cave is a thread on your Time Line.
Engulfing the purest even,
Those heartbeats that stopped.
Those eyes that only saw darkness to the end.
Red from the never ending flow of tears.

That blood that poured out not by choice.
To the soul that never said good bye.
From a soul that smiles deep in pleasure and thirst.

"This Cave Took Me"
Written on walls with pain and blood
"This Cave Took Me"
There is no tomorrow to look forward to.
Not even a today that had long hours.
It came too fast but lasted too short.
This heavy heart dragged these words out,
But the results came too...

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