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Monday, 30 May 2016

Who am i? Blank....

Where are my thoughts?
Where are my words?
Where is the reality to not seeing anything?

It is blank but yet there is enough space
The drums I hear, but from where I ask?
The ground is shaking and I can feel the dancers,
Where are they?
It’s drizzling but not rain
My mind is dripping
How do I keep sane?

The darkness has perished
Yet, the light I cannot see
It is blank
My knees are heavy as my shoulders are narrow
Reality is far and the present is tomorrow like it was yesterday
How do I structure it?

I should be proud of what?
Because I feel blank
I am blank
In height and dreams
My wishes are sold to the highest bidder
What is the price?

I am surrounded by silence
Tension a knife will not work to cut
It possess powers not known to men
I am blank and yet I scream fulfillment
I scream to be whole from inside

I am hollow and no walls can be touched
As I stand in the middle of nowhere
My pen is full of ink
My paper is blank
What do I write and where do I find it?
A conclusion could only mean the removal of being blank
I am folded inside out
What you see is actually my inside

I could cry but have no reason to
I have nothing to cry for
My feelings are blurry and my eyes are shallow
Who do I follow as I stand it the mist of confusion?
I am blank and it is not a mistake

I need to rewrite this
Fill it with thoughts and words that represent who I am
Shit, who am I?
Oh I remember

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